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All over the world, farmed animals are kept in the most appalling conditions and exploited to the limits of their endurance. Deprived of their basic freedoms, separated from their children, closely confined, forced to undergo stressful and often painful procedures, neglected, abused, ignored. Then slaughtered and butchered and eaten.
You can help end their suffering by eating fruit and veg instead of meat and milk - and we'll help show you how.
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• Animal testing
• Care
• Exploitation
Animal Testing:
Cosmetics testing is now banned in the UK, but remains legal in many other countries. Every year, millions of animals are subjected to the most horrifically painful experiments just so people can have a new brand of shampoo or a differently scented perfume.
Tests carried out on animals include:
Eye Irritancy tests - commonly called the Draize test. A substance is applied to the eye of a rabbit to see if irritation or damage ensues. During the test, the animals are given no pain relief, they are held in stocks to prevent them from touching their eyes and the test may last for several days causing great pain and suffering. Rabbits are used because they have very poor tear ducts in their eyes so they cannot wash away the substance.
Skin irritancy test - involves shaving the fur off an animal and applying the test substance to their skin. The skin is then observed for signs of irritation e.g. swelling, reddening, bleeding, cracking or ulceration.
Toxicity tests - such as the LD-50 (Lethal Dose 50%). Substances are fed to the animal and they are observed for signs of poisoning e.g. tremors, bleeding, vomiting or loss of balance. The test may last for several days causing great suffering. Those animals that do not die during the experiment are killed at the end for autopsy.
Many products sold in the UK continue to be tested on animals elsewhere.
Alternative Non-Animal Testing Techniques
Animal testing of cosmetics is entirely unnecessary. Over 8,000 ingredients have already been established as safe and there is no reason why manufacturers need to use any new substances. Where new ingredients are used, the law requires them to be safety tested - this need not involve animal testing. Cruelty-free alternatives such as testing on reconstructed human skin, using computer modelling and enlisting human volunteers are often more reliable than using a different species, with a different biology to test products for human use.
Buy cruelty-free
The Vegan Society only registers products that are free from animal ingredients and testing. Have a look at our criteria for vegan products then browse through the list of products that meet this criteria.
Animals Care:
Feeding dogs on a conventional meat-based diet can be distressing for those who have chosen to eliminate animal products from other areas of their life. In addition, the high fat and protein content and low nutritional value of tinned meat, as well as the possible contamination by animal-borne diseases such as BSE, mean that many people wish to opt for a healthier alternative for their companion animal.
The good news is that dogs can be happy and healthy on an animal free diet.
It is very straightforward to keep a dog healthy on an animal free diet as they require no special supplementation if fed a well-balanced vegan diet. There are several complete vegan dog foods on the market, the most readily available is Happidog, but be aware that some varieties contain Vitamin D3.
Dog Food
We have been informed that the following foods are suitable for vegan dogs, but as none of these products are registered with The Vegan Society the manufacturer may alter the ingredients without informing us, so please do check before purchase.
produce three types of biscuit that are animal-free: wholegrain, low calorie and fresh breath biscuits. Available from vets, pet stores and wholefood shops. 01273 325364
Green Ark Animal Nutrition
make a vegan cereal mix for dogs. 01282 606810
- supplement which, when added to recommended home-made recipes, provides a complete meal for dogs. Harbingers of a New Age, 717 E Missoula Avenue, Troy, MT 59935. USA. Tel(406) 295 4944. Fax (406) 295 7603.
Complete Vegetarian Dog and Puppy foods are complete, dried, vegan foods. Veggiepet, The Oaks, Clacton Road, Weeley Heath, Essex CO16 9EF. Tel 01255 830004.
Yarrah Organic
make vegetarian dog biscuits, chewing bones, multi dog biscuits, vegie ears and duo vegetarian snacks - all suitable for vegan dogs. Available from pet shops and wholefood stores. Viva! sell Yarrah's chewing bones and their duo vegetarian snacks.
The Missing Link
- Vegetarian (vegan) formulation for cats & dogs. Available from RIS Products Ltd
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